Social justice is more than a hashtag.
Click the headings below to be taken to the related pages.
Action for George Floyd & BLM in the USA
Actions to support justice for indigenous Australians
Asking NATIONAL cabinet to make deaths in custody key issue at cabinet meeting
Asking ALL LEVELS of government to act on commission recommendations on black deaths in custody
Take a stand against deaths in custody
Save the Custody Notification Service
Stop strip searching of aboriginal children
Free indigenous man John Webster from immigration detention
Free our future: Don’t punish poverty
Donations to support justice for indigenous Australians
Justice for Joyce Clarke who was killed by police
Justice for David Dungay Jr who died in police custody
Justice for Kumanjayi Walker: Supporting an inquiry into his death after he was shot by police
Fundraiser to support the family of Tanya Day who died in custody
Free Her. Releasing women held in custody without any criminal convictions over unpaid fines
Teaching aboriginal children their legal rights, and to stop strip searching of minors.
Sisters Inside supporting criminalised women and children
The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Womens Alliance
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency
Bridging the gap for indigenous health & education
More causes, charitys and resources
Anti-racism resources for Australia including books, podcasts & movie recommendations.
Welcome to country charity guide
Indigenous Literacy Foundation
Welcome to Country: An independent media company
Protests & Vigils
Be mindful of COVID 19 health advice and restrictions in your city/state.