I am not someone that would normally do a movie review or plug but I loved this film so much I felt I needed to share! I recently went and watched Ladies in Black at the cinema. I don’t go to the movies very often and choose to sit in and watch Netflix but on this occasion I visited the beautiful old theatre in town. I had neither read the book nor seen the trailers so had no expectations, which is sometimes a good thing. I absolutely loved the film, so much in fact, that I think it’s up there with my favourite films and can compete with Love Actually as my new Christmas movie favourite. If that’s not enough to convince you to go and see the film then read on.
5 Reasons To Watch Ladies In Black
1. The Comedy
I usually hate comedy films and I never find them funny. I don’t think this film intended to have so much comedy but it delivered a good amount of laughs to give you the right amount of happy satisfaction.
2. The Romance.
There is a small love story although it’s not the entire plot focus with other stories running throughout, however it was enough to get me crying in a particularly romantic moment. I would compare the film to Love Actually in this way. However the romance does not just sit with the story. The romance of Australia as a beautiful and dreamy location holds up amongst the storyline.
3. Modern Themes.
Although it’s set in 1950’s Sydney, themes around immigration, culture and gender are still relevant to today. It allows viewers to consider how much has changed and how much has not.
4. Support Australian Films.
We cannot expect the Australia film industry to continue to spending money on producing local content unless we put our money forward. Instead of waiting for an Aussie film to appear on Netflix go to the cinema and see it on the big screen. While I’m on the topic, if we want more films with female leads, the same argument applies.
5. The Fashion.
The fashion is a major drawcard for this film. Although the film is set in the 50’s the variety of characters all had their own individual style. Be warned, watching this film will have you visiting the tailors, the dressmaker or the vintage store to find something new to wear. I’m still attempting the Captain to wear a scarf..
6. The Nostaligia.
Oh, the nostalgia. You will leave wishing you lived in a time when dinner parties and dances were regular events. You will also be motivated to write letters to management at your local department store requesting a pianist on each shop floor, quality mannequins and a doorman at the store entrance.
Have you already seen the movie? Leave a comment below and tell fellow readers what you thought!
Love you post about LIB. Great that you mentioned about the Australian film industry that’s why I visit Melbourne to see them. I attended a Q&A screening of LIB in Melbourne with the director Bruce Beresford. I love Ladies in Black I first to the musical as I like the entertainer Bobby Fox as he was in the cast and feel in love with it. Bought the book which you must read. There was a in conversation event with Wendy Cork. I thought I missed but Wendy herself gifted me a ticket. Sorry it was a long reply but have a huge passion our film/television industry as I work as background talent (extra) in various productions and love all things Ladies in Black.
Thanks for the feedback Belinda! I had no idea that there was also a musical too. I will have too see it as well as read the book. I am planning to go and see the film a second time as I loved it so much. I will have to keep an eye out for any more events wish as the In Conversation, as you learn so much more!
This sounds like a great movie, Thanks for sharing!
Yes I’m obsessed with it. I’m going to purchase it once it comes out on DVD! XX
My mother was an immigrant in 1956, from Holland. So this movie told my mother’s story, the story about how Australia was seen to be, and was, and still is! A land of opportunity. Mum remembers hearing on the radio back in Holland ‘come to Australia, it’s the land of milk and honey!’ And Australia soon became their home.
How lovely to hear your perspective Karina and I’m sure it was nice to see the movie looking at it as your Mum would have!!