I recently found these pictures taken last year in Ballarat. After seeing them I became obsessed with blossom trees and had it in my head that I ought try and get a family portrait now that we have our new baby but not with a single tree but LOTS of blossom trees. However much to my frustration after many weeks and attempts I have been unsuccessful. It found it far too difficult to juggle getting my little family together at the same time, having good weather and then trying to find an ...
Winter Garden
Winter coming into spring is the prettiest time in my garden. The garden is usually overgrown or looking forgotten (because I don’t garden) and then suddenly lots of random flowers start popping up out of nowhere. Daffodils, bluebells and many other flowers that I don’t know the names of, start shooting up amongst the violets that have taken over. It gives me hope knowing that even though I have managed to kill a number of plants, some will continue to survive my terrible reign over this ...
The Post Baby Update
So things have been a little crazy. Baby Marci arrived just over a month ago so we are still in the newborn bubble of eat-feed-sleep-repeat, so instead of organising all of my scheduled blog posts I have let things slide for the time being. I can’t believe how much baby stuff I had forgotten since the first time. Things have been going well although we still have the odd day of chaos. Why is it that Marci is unsettled and Roo decides to have epic tantrums on the days the Captain is away? ...
Baby Shower – An AFE Afternoon Tea
I had the opportunity to style a baby shower at my house a little while ago. My Aunt had wanted to have a small gathering as she will be away when I am due and is likely to miss the birth of baby number two. I also had some businesses contact me to find out if I was having a baby shower as they were interested in a collaboration if I did. So, as if often the case with these types of things, at the last minute we decided to invite some friends over to eat some yummy food and catch up before I ...
Maternity Clothing – A Review!
Recently I was online and one of the clothing brands I follow asked for feedback on their maternity range. I ended up bombarding them with my feedback, which as my sister pointed out actually came across a little aggressive, oops! I just didn’t realize how passionate I was about it all until I was offered a soapbox. So after my feedback I thought I would put it all together in a little post and see if some of you agree or even have anything else to add! The shorts here are ...
Lazy Days and Boyfriend Jeans
It has been a little chaotic in our household the last couple of weeks. I’ve had a cold that I’ve been unable to shake and Roo has been sick as well. My nose is blocked so I snore and don’t sleep well and neither does Roo. I have just finished up work and our house is a huge mess. Piles of washing, piles of dirty dishes and amongst all of that, lots of crumpled tissues!! Tissues are a cause of problems in house as we never seem to have enough boxes. There needs to be at least a box in ...